Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fathers' Day Thoughts

It is early in the morning and all is quiet. I can hear the train in the background. It is so peaceful. Fathers' Day was quiet. We woke up early to finish our cards and make breakfast for Ron. We were at his beckon call! He got inspired and cleaned out the garage. He worked too hard on his day. It looks awesome. Spent some time with Mom and Dad until my Aunt and Uncle came over. Fathers' Day this year seemed very special. I know these days are numbered, so it is important to me to make the most of our time together. My Father is so wonderful. His strong Godly beliefs are so impressionable. He is a quiet man, yet when he speaks you know it is important. His love for his family runs very deep. He is always there when I need him and rarely complains. He works very hard taking care of my Mom. If I could be half the parent he is, I would be so thankful. I have so much to learn from him still. I'll keep watching and absorbing!


Tricia said...

Hi there! I saw your question on Jennifers blog...you just need to go to "Edit Profile" and there will be an option to edit photo...let me know if you find it.

Tricia said...

Glad you found it!! YEAH!

Cindy F said...

Ooo, like your new look.